The Sequel
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Viscount Jopar Tanaka
Viscount Jopar Tanaka
Posts : 4
Join date : 2018-10-31

The Viscount is in the House Empty The Viscount is in the House

Wed Oct 31, 2018 4:04 am
As Jopar walked through the opulent halls of the Opal Palace, the grandeur of it all was lost on him. The Viscount was dressed in his best three-piece suit rather than the formal robes he might sometimes wear, due in part to being summoned on such short notice. He was spinning a pair of metal stress balls in one hand, and not too happy to be here. He wasn't angry with Ceres, but the Muardu invasion had left scars on him, both physically and emotionally, and they had yet to fully heal. His only regret in the matter is that there weren't more of those bastards to kill. His attitude was noticeably darker than it had once been. In place of the man who had once been chipper and upbeat, there was and nobleman whose anger simmered just beneath the surface, waiting for the chance to break loose.

His finely shined black shoes made a small squeak on the white marble floor of the palace hallway as he turned sharply, moving down another hall. Past grand statues and paintings framed with gold, doors of the finest woods, and high vaulted ceiling, Jopar grumbled to himself. The Empire was still reeling from the devastation and he knew there would be many who would see this as a chance to gain an advantage and exploit others. He just hoped someone would try to do that with House Tanaka... just one excuse, it was all he would need. Knowing they wouldn't be allowed inside the audience chamber, Jopar tossed the stress balls to one of the Sardaukar guards standing outside. They were caught with a swift motion, and he never broke stride.

The floor was shined to the point that Jopar could see his own reflection as he approached the throne, and he looked around at the other nobles who were so puffed up, he considered jabbing a few of them with a needle to see if they popped. Stopping at the appropriate distance. He stood tall, without looking Ceres in the eyes, offered a perfunctory bow, then noticed a Harkonnen delegate nearby and gave them a dirty look while waiting to be spoken to. It was followed by a smile that was anything but friendly.
Ezhar VII
Ezhar VII
Emperor of The Known Universe
Posts : 29
Join date : 2018-10-29
Location : The Imperial Throneworld of Kaitain

The Viscount is in the House Empty Re: The Viscount is in the House

Thu Nov 01, 2018 1:53 am
From atop the Throne replete in Royal Finery, the Emperor gazed down upon the neatly combed head of Viscount Jopar Tanaka. Over the years, and as with many a Noble that had visited this chamber in recent days, Ceres had shared a topsy turvy relationship with the Native House of Kimodo II. Most of their interactions had gone through House Talus, a mutual friend and cherised ally to both men resident in the Chamber today. At times, the pair had come together to work and support each other on vital issues and the very next day, another could divide them to the point of Armed Conflict. The Emperor had very nearly crossed blades with Tanaka by proxy as Duke Atreides in support of Ophelion. It seemed like only yesterday...

Out of all his dealings with House Tanaka, he found them to be very unpredictable but extremely dilligent and hard working. Just mere months before the Muadru Incursion, Tanaka had been Siridar of the Imperium's most treasured Possession, the Fief of Arrakis. After of years of hard work, Tanaka had ascended the mantle only to disappear without a trace, leaving all but a skeleton force on Arrakis for Radentia to find. No one had heard a word from them after that. The Kimodo Sector remained quiet for years there after while the First and the early stages of the Second Muadru Incursions were being dealt with. The re-appearance midway through the Second Incursion proved to be a turning point. Their silence in those dark years allowed the economic powerhouse to slip by unnoticed and arm its formidable military to deal the crushing blow to the Muadru Forces.

While their timely resurgence proved to be the salvation of the Imperium along with support from the likes of Vesner and Ganeva, Ceres felt the Empire and himself as Emperor was owed an explanation as to why they had so suddenly disappeared from the Sands of Arrakis. As the Empire gathered its wits in preparation to reclaim its lost fortunes, vital Posts were left open throughout the Realm. If the Imperium had any hope of survival, it would need strong, reliable Houses at their helm. As one of the few viable Major's that remained after the devastation, a lot of hope and expectancy was placed upon the shoulders of Viscount Tanaka and the House he ruled.

Having been announced, Ceres waited until the Majordomo's echo had faded before he opened his own mouth to speak. "Warm welcome and greetings unto you, your Excellency." The Emperor's voice boomed across the hall, enforcing silence over Court. Resting an elbow on the arm of the Throne, he leaned forward in a casual manner. "Raise your face so that we may speak in clarity." He intoned, inviting Jopar to meet his eyes and face. Waiting until his word had been heeded, Ceres carried on with fluidity.

"I have invited you here this day as Sovereign of your House to pay thanks for House Tanaka's magnanimous efforts during the latter stages of The Second Muadru Incursion. Were it not for the timely intervention of your Armies and those that answered your rallying cry, the Imperium might be a very different place today." He said solemnly, his genuine gratitude evident in the ears of his listeners. "As the fires of war flicker and wane, those that remain have a responsibility to rebuild all that which we have lost. My Lord Viscount, if I may, what prompted your Excellency and his House to take leave of Arrakis at the onset of the First Muadru Incursion?" Falling silent, the Emperor sat back to await the answer to a question that had played on the lips of the Imperium for just over half a decade.
Viscount Jopar Tanaka
Viscount Jopar Tanaka
Posts : 4
Join date : 2018-10-31

The Viscount is in the House Empty Re: The Viscount is in the House

Thu Nov 01, 2018 3:01 am
Although it was unusual, Jopar looked Ceres in the eyes. For a time that was all he did, looking at him with a cold intensity. There was a lot going through the Viscount's mind, he knew this day would eventually come if he survived the battles that were now past. He'd been the Siridar of Arrakis, the single most important planet in the whole Empire, and he'd walked away from it without so much as a goodbye. Rather than answer with words, he took out a small palm sized holo-imager, having been cleared during inspection, and tapped at it a few times with his finger. It caused a spray of light to climb upward, like fingers reaching toward the ceiling, then they formed a sphere. As the image took shape, all there could see it was planet, seemingly a blue green beauty.

“During my brief tenure as the Siridar of Arrakis, I had this growing feeling that something was wrong, and for a time I ignored it, thinking it the stress of the job. But one night, I woke up in a cold sweat. I didn't know why, but that feeling had grown far worse. Something so terrible that I could feel it in my bones. I didn't know what, or why, but I knew where.

The feeling drew me to a planet beyond the rim of explored space. To this planet to be precise. The local population called it Tarsonis, and it was here that I found the Muardu. It wasn't just a few battalions, or even legions. It was a full scale invasion force, intent on striking deep into the heart of Imperial Space. And so, I did the only thing I could.”

Tapping a few more buttons the image changed to a rectangular window, like a viewing screen. From there it displayed some of the recorded data from the battle in space. Showing the Tanaka and Muardu fleets tearing each other apart in space. Entire ships erupting in brilliant balls of fire, and weapons firing from every imaginable direction, the drop pods being launched toward the surface of the planet, some being shot down before they ever made landfall.

Then the image changed again. This time it was shaking, like someone recording while trying to keep out of the battle playing out before them. There were Tanaka soldiers fighting the Muardu in the streets of a city. The sound of battle could be heard as gunfire erupted, blades clashed, and men screamed as they died. It looked like someone out of one of the worst war movies one could imagine, and yet Jopar watched it without any sort of expression at all. Then he began to speak, but in a manner as if he were remembering much of this from personal experience.

“They fought like animals... they were animals, and we slaughtered them as such. There were enough bodies to stack like wood... and the pyres... the pyres lasted for days. It took us years to drive them off the planet. So long that I began to draft and train the local population, who hated the Muardu almost as much as we did. Blood, steel, and death... day, after day, after day. There were times it seemed as if it would never end...” Jopar blinked after that and seemed to come back to the present. Then looked to Ceres, waiting to see how he would respond.
Ezhar VII
Ezhar VII
Emperor of The Known Universe
Posts : 29
Join date : 2018-10-29
Location : The Imperial Throneworld of Kaitain

The Viscount is in the House Empty Re: The Viscount is in the House

Thu Nov 01, 2018 6:03 pm
Ceres watched the holo-vid from his throne but truth be told, his attention, for the most part was upon Viscount Tanaka. The man seemed different. The fires of war often burned a man and left him scarred but in Jopar he could see and sense something different. Something had happened, something beyond what was shown in the recordings presented to himself and the Imperial Court this day. The Emperor narrowed his eyes. There were questions, so many questions but they could not be broached on open forum. As one of the few viable Majors remaining, Ceres had to understand the full extent of the impact this had on Jopar and House Tanaka before any major decisions could be made regarding the House Tanaka and their status in the Imperium.

With nothing more than a raised finger from the Emperor, a Noukker appeared from behind the raised dais to retrieve the presented holo-pad and prepare it for for study by Sardaukar Intelligence. The young woman dipped her head in respect and then disappeared almost as quickly as she appeared.

The Noukker left Court and the Emperor to proceed with the Audience.

"Thank you for offering us clarity." He swept his hand across the Chamber and lowered it in a fluid movement that belied his training. "For my earliest interactions in the Empire, House Tanaka has always, if you'll forgive my phrasing, been a part of the Imperium's Furniture." He said with a slight smile. "The impact of Kimodo's Ruling House has been felt, and still is to this day, most notably in CHOAM." The Emperor spoke, giving Jopar the first clue as to the reasons for his summons. "As we move forward, the Notable Houses that remain will have a lot of responsibility placed on their shoulders. The Muadru caused us significant harm." The Imperial Court murmured in agreement but the Emperor did not stop. "But it is nothing insurmountable, we have survived worse." Ceres intoned, subtly reminding his guest and the Court of the Nuclear Attack on Kaitain just over a decade ago now. "We will prosper..." Pausing for effect, the Emperor placed both hands on the armrest and leaned forward. "With your help."

It wasn't an Order, nor was it a request even if it was presented as such, it was a choice. "The Empire owes House Tanaka a great debt and I wish to express my gratitude by conveying it publically." The Emperor said sincerely. "Tanaka's timely resurgence was the Muadru's deathblow. My predecessor abolished your Status as Great House upon your disappearance from Arrakis. After receiving an explanation and aware of your efforts that led to our salvation, it is a decision that I am overturning with immediate effect."

As soon as the words left his lips, attendants behind the Throne heeded the Emperor's Command. By sundown, Darius' decree would be overturned and all trace of it expunged from the Imperial Record. "However, while I do recognise your foresightedness, leaving your post without notifying Imperial Authorities created chaos at the time and it allowed certain elements to descend upon Arrakis in your absence." He was of course referring to Radentia and their invasion of Arrakis upon Tanaka's departure. "As such, I must recognise the problem caused, and there must be reprimand."

Though it went against his desire to reprimand one of the Empires Saviour's, Ceres could not be seen ignoring a sensitive issue that demanded answers and reprisal. The Imperium needed to understand that abandon an Important Post without explanation carried consequences. "In light of this, the Crown revokes House Tanaka's Title of Marquis and confers upon it the original Title of Viscount."

A few indistinct murmurs erupted from the mouths in court but the Emperor did not give them time to capitalise on the disruption. "Though demoted in Rank, it will not lower the esteem or dilute the gratitude of House Corrino untoward House Tanaka. If the House of Tanaka and its Viscount can understand and accept my reasoning, I would invite your Excellency to my Office as there are more matters I wish to discuss." Offering a slim smile, the Emperor canted his head slightly to the left in his very deliberate manner. "What say you, Excellency?"
Viscount Jopar Tanaka
Viscount Jopar Tanaka
Posts : 4
Join date : 2018-10-31

The Viscount is in the House Empty Re: The Viscount is in the House

Fri Nov 02, 2018 11:59 pm
Jopar remained silent as the Emperor spoke about events both past and present, and maintained eye contact, but he was only partially listening. His mind was focused enough on the matter at hand to understand what was being said. He was being thanked for helping to destroy the rest of the Muardu invasion, and being reprimanded for abandoning Arrakis without any word being given to the Imperial House about the matter. This was about as he expected, the demotion in title and the restoration of his status as a Great House was something that Jopar could accept. It could have been a lot worse than it was. The images of the battlefields of Tarsonis continued to replay in his mind, over and over.

“What say you, Excellency?” Ceres said. Jopar offered a small nod, then stopped, the memory of gunfire and screaming soldiers echoed through his mind. The court scribe, just out of view, dropped the pen he was using to write down everything that was said. As he scribbled in shorthand that would be written out later, the pen slipped and fell to the floor with a tiny clatter. Before even realizing what he was doing, Jopar's eyes darted in that direction, and he reached for a hip holster that wasn't there. Seemingly realizing what he was doing, the Viscount stopped, clenched his hand into fist, then relaxed. He looked back to Ceres with a small nod, then followed the Emperor into the office to speak further on private matters.

The psychology of the office set-up wasn't lost on Jopar either. His chair was smaller and set slightly lower than the one the Emperor would sit in. It was enough to make him laugh... almost. Right now Jopar was curious what there was to talk about that needed privacy. Seated in his chair at a table with one leg crossed, the man's hand moved in a fashion similar to the way it would were the stress balls present. It seemed more an unconscious motion than anything else. Jopar quietly watched Ceres, seemingly taking stock of the man, and what he was about. Remembering the forms however, he decided to wait to be spoken to before doing the same.
Ezhar VII
Ezhar VII
Emperor of The Known Universe
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Join date : 2018-10-29
Location : The Imperial Throneworld of Kaitain

The Viscount is in the House Empty Re: The Viscount is in the House

Sun Nov 04, 2018 12:46 am
As a man who had spent most of his adult life surrounded by death, Ceres was very much aware of the effects it could have on the personality after the fact. Were it not for the fact he had already been observing the Viscount, he might have missed it. Watching Jopar react to the unexpected noise was quite telling but not enough to alarm the Emperor for the moment at least. Moving at the head of the procession, the journey to the Emperor's Office took no longer than five minutes.

Upon entry, the Sardaukar were ordered to give the Emperor and his guest privacy but it was far from total. Joining them were the Supreme Burseg of the Sardaukar, Radjia von Eskirtch and the Imperial Mentat, Violetta Merkel.

It was evident as the High Nobility were sat that this meeting had been prepared well in advance of the Audience. The matter to be broached was of the utmost sensitivity and of detrimental importance the Imperium. As the Empire returned to some semblance of normality, eyes would eventually turn to Arrakis and the Spice.The Emperor intended to be prepared for the coming start of a new economic cycle.

At this time the most valuable fief in the Realm was under Imperial Protection and had been since Radentia collapsed at the onset of the Second Muadru Incursion. Under the stipulations of the CHOAM Mandate, the Imperial House had to appoint a Siridar to take over management of the Fief upon his official Coronation in the New year. Only two Houses had been suggested as viable for management of the lucrative Fief, Ganeva and Tanaka.

Taking his seat behind the large elacca desk, Ceres clasped his fingers and rest them on the polished surface. Before the Emperor began in earnest, Violetta served them refreshment and put a dossier embossed with the Imperial Seal in front of the Emperor and the Viscount.

"Thank you for tending me, your Excellency." Ceres resumed their audience once he'd taken a sip of the cool water he'd been served. "I have asked you here because the vitally important Fief of Arrakis is due to be Awarded in the New Year and I would inquire if House Tanaka is viable and interested enough to take on the task presented?" Ceres asked, leaning back in observation as he awaited an answer.
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